Sunday, December 12, 2010


What better way to spend a day confined to the house than by baking a cake!!  I was (happily for the most part - once I got some eggs!) snowed in this week, and so of course hit the baking supplies.

This is the promised Flourless Chocolate Cake from Itsa Cookbook - it was just perfect with a mug of hot chocolate or coffee.  The top was crusty and cratered, the middle rich, squidgy and delicious.

This is my submission for the Snow Day Bake Off over at A Slice Of Cherry Pie.

Flourless Chocolate Cake

240g              butter
270g              dark chocolate
6                    eggs, separated
250g              sugar
120g              ground almonds
100g              milk or dark chocolate, chopped (optional but good!)

Preheat oven to 180 C
Line a springform tin with baking paper or butter and flour it.
I used a 22cm tin

Melt the butter and 270g chocolate in a bowl over a pot of simmering water.
Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until thick and light in colour.
Add the melted chocolate mixture and combine.
Fold in the ground almonds.
Beat the egg whites until light and frothy (soft peak stage)
Stir one spoon of egg white into the chocolate vigorously.
Carefully fold the rest of the egg white in, keeping as much air in the mixture as you can.
Add the extra chocolate if you fancy.
Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake for about 40 minutes (mine took longer).  The edges should be set but the middle should still be soft.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tin.



My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

yum :-)
my mouth is watering

Unknown said... was 87 here today! I am running the AC...I long for a day or two of snow...I live in San Diego

Lovely choco cake...hope you had some cocoa too

La Bella Cooks said...

This looks incredible!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of your snowed in day of baking! This flourless cake looks delicious :) Hope you're staying warm!

Anonymous said...

I love the last photo. Looks like the two ladies are sharing (or fighting) over the divine cake :-)

Chele said...

I have to be honest and say that I am pretty much over the snow lol. Actually that isn't strictly true! I love the snow, its the ice and slush I am over lol. This cake looks fab, must bake one for our next snow day ;0)

alice said...

This is a great recipe. I bet the smells it made while baking lifted any spirits damped by the continual snow. We had lots here too and it was the most perfect snow I've ever seen. Your snow photo is lovely.

The Caked Crusader said...

Being snowed in was never put to such good use!

Lucie said...

mmmmmm looks so moist and delish! I love the snowy scene!

Dimah said...

It looks so moist and so yummy!

Anonymous said...

There's definitely something about snowy (and rainy days) that beckons us to the kitchen. I think it's the nesting nature. Your chocolate cake looks so rich and yummy. I'm always surprised by flourless cakes - how are they not meringue like?

art is in the kitchen said...

Beautiful winter scenery. It has been raining here in California for weeks now. I'd like snow for a change. This is the best chocolate cake i could think of to go with my glass of warm milk. Exquisite recipe! Happy holidays!

Lilly Higgins said...

Yum! This looks beautiful, I've been meaning to try it since i got the Itsa book too! Gorgeous!

Unknown said...

oh wow, you know i cant resist a flourless choc cake and this looks so yummy!... i want more snow now!... I think it's on its way... woo hoo!

Please Do Not Feed The Animals. said...

Mmmm - perfect - the gooeyness and the crispy bit on top.
Perfect photo too!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah! Just as you promised! No snow here yet but only a matter of time! :)

Would love this right this very second!

Unknown said...

This is fantastic - I can just smell it ...what a great combination -dark chocolate and snow - love it

Jemima said...

Wow, looks great BG! I had a snow day but we couldn't get out of the house, and when we could, the bloomin' shop had no milk or eggs!

I made your brownies again last weekend, I threw in some glace cherries and Lord Cherry said they were the best things I have ever made ;-) xx

Zoe said...

Wow...the chocolate cake look very rich. Very comforting for the wintery weather :D

I am passing on 2 more awards to you (at my blog). Thanks for giving me lots of cooking inspirations.

mr. pineapple man said...

looks beautiful! enjoy the snow while you can!

Biren said...

I have been seeing this flourless cake but have yet to try my hands at it. Looks very moist and delicious! We have lots and lots of snow too.

Joyti said...

It sounds delicious. Very rich I'm sure.

cocoa and coconut said...

Hi there, just came across your blog.
Lovely recipes! This one looks particularly moist and tempting

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

What a perfect combination!

Anonymous said...

WANT! Even the colours you've chosen for your blog are mouth watering. Unfortunately, we already have a table full of Xmas cakes and I don't need to make one. I'm craving chocolate now.

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

Love d gorgeous color..drooling recipe...fantastic clicks as always dear...
Tasty appetite

Victor said...

Flourless cake. I can't believe this! The ingredients are so simple, I will try it out! Yummy!

Gloria Baker said...

Snow and chocolate! look amazing and geotgeous! gloria

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Chocolate makes winter pass much more quickly ;)

This looks so delicious to my chocolate-loving eyes!

Choclette said...

Yum yum, delicious cake - I think those flourless ones are some of the best.

Roxan said...

This cake looks great, and wow, 6 eggs! I can imagine it must be super fudgey and delicious. What better way to spend a day snowed in than by baking and filling up the home with some wonderful smells.