Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I was wondering would a raspberry muffin count as one of your "five a day"?  I'm desperate here folks!!!!!

Seriously though, there is something about a fruit laden muffin that makes them feel like a (slightly) virtuous treat - think of all the vitamins!  I have been on a bit of a fruit muffin quest of late and have two of my current favourites to offer to you*.  The ones above are from Nigella.com by Casey, they are really easy and make up a good big batch (they also keep very well), they were originally banana muffins but I think the raspberry works particularly well with raspberries.

I came across the second of my recipes on Chef Dennis's blog and had to give them a go the minute I saw the recipe - which called for blueberries (I thought I had a box of blueberries in the freezer, but they somehow morphed into raspberries!!!) Dennis called these the best muffins he had ever made, so you'll know why I had to try them.

You are probably wondering why I am giving two recipes for the same confection - I have found it handy to alternate between the two recipes, depending on what is in the larder and fridge.  More importantly they are both excellent - too hard to choose between them!!

Casey's Super Moist Muffins

3           cups self raising flour
1 1/2     cups caster sugar
3 tsp      baking powder
2           eggs
1           cup vegetable oil
1 1/2     cups natural yogurt
1           cup fruit (mashed banana/raspberries/etc)

Preheat oven to 160 C
Prepare muffin tin with paper cases (I made 12 mini muffins and about 8 medium sized ones)

Mix dry ingredients
Mix wet ingredients
Add the wet ingredients to the dry - as always don't over mix.
Spoon into the prepared muffin cases.
Bake at 160 C for 20 - 30 minutes (until a skewer comes out clean)

Chef Dennis's Blueberry Muffins

2            cups flour
1            cup sugar
1/2 tsp   baking powder
1/2 tsp   bread (bicarbonate of) soda
1/2 tsp   salt
2 cups   blueberries (or raspberries) fresh or frozen
3           lightly beaten eggs
1           cup sour cream/Greek yogurt
1/2        cup oil
1 tsp     vanilla

Preheat oven to 200C
Prepare muffin tin

Mix dry ingredients
Add blueberries and toss.
Mix wet ingredients.
Add wet ingredients to the dry ones, barely mix.
Pour into prepared muffin tin.
Sprinkle with sugar.
Bake for 20 - 30 minutes.


*These muffins probably retain top billing, but then there is chocolate involved!!!!


Saffy said...

They do look yum :) Perfect for tomorrow and the girls coming for afternoon tea... thanks BG I'll let you know how it went :)

Unknown said...

I love muffins! Thanks for posting two of your favorite muffin recipes. I was wondering what to make for a bake sale our church is having, now I know, your muffins!

La Bella Cooks said...

I will have to give the Chef Dennis muffins a go as I imagine the Greek yogurt gives them a moist texture, which I would love. They both sound wonderful actually.

Jemima said...

Absolutely, all cakes with fruit in are extremely healthy and should be consumed immediately for the good of said health...:-)

Lucie said...

oh yum...these look so good. Surely all fruit is good!:) I must try these soon (I know I say that about every one of your posts hee hee) Lucie x

Sook said...

Muffins are my favorite! Yours look delicious!

Choclette said...

Interesting how different recipes can be - both look good to me - yum!

Anonymous said...

Anything with fruit in counts as a 'health food'- and the bonus of making your own is that there are no pesky calorie counters plastered on the packaging. Besides if you eat them standing up, I am reliably informed, then the calories don't count:-)) (Well maybe not quite...)

Unknown said...

both muffins sound incredible. since they have fresh fruit in them, I imagine they'd have to count for something....espeically if you eat two! :D

Anonymous said...

Great post. My favourite muffins are the ones that they sell at the mall. I have never been able to reproduce the lovely crunchy tops like those ones, though I keep trying. I am in pursuit of making the perfect muffin, I think i would like the chef dennis recipe, its got greek yogurt and oil, so the texture must be amazing.
*kisses* HH