Sunday, February 20, 2011


I have an admission to make, I adore coffee cake so when the Cake Slice Bakers selected the Coffee-Heath Bar Crunch Cake from Cake Keeper Cakes by Laura Chattman, (after I initially read it as Coffee Health Cake and jumped for joy!!!!), I despaired for my healthy eating plan!!  I knew that I would have to play around with the recipe or,  as the only coffee cake lover in the house, every time I walked into the kitchen I would be tempted by the delicious cake in the corner, seductively calling  "eat me, eat me, you know you want to"!!!!!!

I didn't make many alterations, I just reduced the coffee from 1 tbsp to 1 scant tsp, and then added a heaped tbsp of cocoa, added chopped dark chocolate to the batter and replaced the plain flour in the topping for whole meal - and I have to say that this cake is just magic.  The melted toffee bars on top have alternating textures, from soft and chewy to light and crunchy - so very, very moreish.  Luckily so, as it was polished off in no time (before I had a chance to add more inches to my hips!!).

Chocolate and Coffee-Curly Wurly Bar Crunch Cake

For the strusel topping

4              Curly Wurly Bars (my replacement for the Heath Bars) from the fridge.
1.5 tbsp    packed light brown sugar
2 tbsp      wholemeal flour
1 tbsp      softened butter

For the cake

1.5 cups    plain flour
1 tsp         instant espresso coffee powder
1.5 tbsp    cocoa powder - Green and Black is good
1.5 tsp      baking powder
4 oz          softened butter
1 cup        packed light brown sugar
1              large egg
1              large egg yolk
1.5 tsp     vanilla extract
1 cup        milk
2oz           dark chocolate - chopped finely

Preheat the oven to 180 C
Grease and line the bottom of a 9" round springform tin.

To make the topping

Chop up the toffee and chocolate bars.
Place the butter, flour and sugar in a bowl and combine with your fingers to resemble crumble topping,
Add the bars and leave in the fridge until the cake is ready.

To make the cake

Combine the flour, coffee powder, sifted cocoa and baking powder in a mixing bowl.
In another bowl combine the butter and sugar and cream until light and fluffy.
Slowly mix in the eggs and vanilla.
Keeping the mixer on low speed add 1/3 of the flour mixture and the 1/2 the milk, repeat until everything is combined being sure to scrape down the sides of the bowl regularly.
Add the chopped chocolate pieces and combine.
Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and smooth out.
Scatter the topping evenly over the cake.
Bake until the cake is golden and a skewer comes out clean - about 45 - 55 min
Allow to cool in the pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes.
Then remove to the wire rack to cool completely.
Serve on it's own or with your favourite accompaniment.



Kelly-Jane said...

Curly Wurlys, that would have been fabulous! Looks great :)

Suelle said...

This is the second version of this cake I've seen this morning. I like your idea of adding chocolate but I would have kept the coffee levels high too! I would never have considered Curly Wurlys as a replacement for Heath Bars, but it makes sense once it's pointed out.

Flavia Galasso said...

I adore coffee cakes....hugs and have a great Sunday, ciao Flavia

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I love coffee cakes too. The addition of Heath Bars was very clever. It really looks delicious. Your a wonderful baker!!!

Beth said...

What a gorgeous recipe! I laughed when you mentioned mixing up Heath with health. An honest mistake!

Chele said...

I read it as health too. Looks fabby ;0)

Laura said...

Sounds like a delicious Coffee Cake! I like the idea of using toffee on top for the streusel and I love all the healthy additions and substitutions - I try to do the same with lots of my sweets too. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Anna's kitchen table said...

Ooh I think I prefer curly wurlies to Dime bars..,

Jannett said...

This looks like a must try. Sounds delicious.

beauty be told said...

looks great :)

Unknown said...

oh there's an amazing deli in Waterloo called Konditor and Cook who are famous for their Curly Wurly muffins, cakes and bars... always amazing, so I know just how good this cake tastes... very very good.

Choclette said...

Sounds like another winner from your kitchen. As a non coffee lover, I like the idea of replacing most of it with chocolate. Having said that, I am coming around to a bit of coffee having an improving effect on chocolate cake.

Anonymous said...

Looks delish! I too added some chocolate to the batter in the form of semi-sweet chips and cocoa powder instead of the espresso powder :)

Nessa Robins said...

These sound amazing! I LOVE your wire tray under the cake!

Beth (jamandcream) said...

Oh my - this looks far too good. Would eat the whole thing I fear

Anonymous said...

This looks so fun to make! Great post!

Unknown said...

The alterations you did to the cake sounds great. And I love you you altered the name of it. Nice job :)

Chocolate Here said...

Just had a Curly Wurly last week and it tasted the same as when I was growing up. And here it is again in a cake - winner!

Elle said...

Indeed this was a delightful cake. Love the changes you made...I can see why it didn't stay around long enough to tempt you too much :)

Gloria Baker said...

I love this type of cakes look absolutely yummy!! gloria

aipi said...

oh..that sounds heaven to me..lovely pics n awesome recipe. I am drooling all over:)

US Masala

chow and chatter said...

yum all in moderation right lol

teresa said...

mmmm, delicious! i love cake like this.

cocoa and coconut said...

This looks so perfect! I love crumble tops on cakes and adding curly wurly bars to it would be even yummier. I can imagine how 'moreish' it would be.

BeautifulDees said...

It just look's goooood!!!!!! Enjoy....Heath bar's are my very favorite.
Nice to see you as one of my follower's.

Emily said...

Wow! yours look amazing rich!

Katie said...

Your cake looks fantatsic! I love the idea of making it wholesome with the flour and adding the extra cocoa. Looks delish

Sugar Plum Cupcake said...

Wow that is such a good idea! i adore coffee cake too so i can't wait to make it myself!
I've just started a blog but i'd love it if you checked it out


Snowy said...

This looks so good. I love Curly Wurly bars. One to try.

Roxan said...

This cake looks amazing, I love the addition of coffee. I can already taste it.
And curly wurly bars! I just had my first one of those recently. My friend moved to London a few years ago and she brought a bunch of treats back on her visit. Great, now I am craving them!

Abitofafoodie said...

What a scrumptious-sounding cake. I've recently rediscovered the joy of curly wurlies and love the idea of using them as a cake ingredient!

cornercottage said...

Love the alterations you made! Cant even remember the last time I had a curly wurly!
(Also, you won the Inspiration Chain giveaway on my blog, please throw a quick email my way =D)

Zoe said...

I wonder if the Curly Wurly bars will make any difference to this cake but I can definitely see and feel the "eat me" message on this cake.

Susan at said...

I just love your blog. Therefore, you have been given a Stylish Blogger Award! Stop over at my blog to find out all the details.


Angela said...

Yum! I too am a devotee of coffee cake. This looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

What is not to love about this cake? Coffee, chocolate and curly wurlys. You are a temptress, now my hips will have to be expanded, all in the name of science you understand.

Anonymous said...

this cake looks stunning! i am having some serious cravings right now:) thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

corrr this looks seriously scrummy! plus i love curly wurlys!!

Please Do Not Feed The Animals. said...

I thought it was "health" too - probably because I have never heard of a Heath bar. Curly-wurlies - Yay!!!

All That's Left Are The Crumbs said...

Your cake looks amazing. I love your substitutions.

Jodie said...

Looks fantastic!

Viv said...

looks so delicious and crumbly! yum!
never heard of curley wurlies before on this side of the world :)

La Bella Cooks said...

Oh goodness, this had to be heaven on a plate.

Amanda said...
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Alchemy In The Kitchen said...

Curly Wurly? Oh yeaaaaah! Great cake.

Anonymous said...
